Selasa, 13 April 2010

undangan mimbar bebas

“Corruption” it is a word which is common listened in Indonesia. Corruption comes from Latin language: corruption from verb corrumpere that is meant broken, to shake, to pervert, to bribe. Literally, Corruption is a public servant’s behavior, either politician or civil servants who enrich themselves or their relatives illegally with misuse their public authority which entrusted to them. If we look back the historical corruption in Indonesia, it was started from Orde Lama to Era Reformasi this time.
Corruption is become unsecure disease in Indonesia. Reportedly, Indonesia becomes the most corrupt country in the world. There are so many committee of exterminating corruption has been formed since Orde Lama until now. Such as Panitia Retooling Aparatur Negara (Paran), Operasi Budhi, Komando Tertinggi Retooling Aparat Revolusi (Kontrar), Tim Pemberantasan Korupsi (TPK), Komite Empat, Operasi Tertib (Opstib), Komisi Pengawas Kekayaan Pejabat Negara (KPKPN), KPPU, Tim Gabungan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (TGPTPK) and the last is KPK. But, it was unable to erase the corruption in Indonesia. In SBY authority, there are so many cases of corruption which unfinished even KPK was handling it. For example, in Century Bailout case, although the case involved Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), it was not clear enough. And finally, that case is neglected.
From all those cases, we have a motivation to prevent corruption. We can’t just sit down and do nothing. We are as the young generation must speak up our disagreements to corruption. Besides demonstrating, there several ways to respond corruption for example we are Colleges of Languages provide a media to express our feeling about corruption through art and culture. We are not only seeing the corruption from politic view but we want to see it from art and culture. We want to make different ways to protest the corruption. There are some ways to combat the corruption such as hard ways and soft ways. The Hard ways can through courting; investigation etc. the soft ways can through improving morality, teasing allusion etc. we believe that the soft ways are better than the hard ways even though both of them can solve the problems.
let's express your way to protest corruption.....!!!!!!!!!!!!

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